Delta = Change.

Change The Platform To Work With Every Bike.


Pro Cyclist:Charlotte Backus Turner Part 1: Becoming a Professional Road Cyclist    Charlotte Backus Turner is a recently retired professional road cyclist. I became acquainted with Charlotte while looking for high profile cycling influencers on...


Flagship Cycling Rocker Plates Compared Indoor cycling Is the fastest growing sector of the cycling industry. We at Velocity Rockers are excited to offer our Delta RS rocker plate with a universal fit and 4-way...

Why the Delta RS is the Best Rocker Plate for Zwift

Key factors to consider when purchasing a rocker plate include price, functionality, quality, ease of use, maintenance, and any additional features and accessories included. Here's why the Delta RS excels in all these areas making...

Zwift Ride Smart Bike: Ideal for Rocker Plates in Indoor Cycling

Introducing the Zwift Ride Smart Bike If you browse online discussion groups about indoor cycling, you'll see that many Zwifters are excitedly buying Zwift Ride Smart Bikes for their training setups. At, most recent...

Prevent Cycling Injuries with Rocker Plates

Saddle sores, overuse injuries, and inadequate core engagement are all evidence that the traditional static indoor cycling setup is not ideal. Rocker plates were created to reduce cycling injuries by promoting natural movement, aiding recovery, and improving core...

Smooth, Dynamic Training With Velocity Rocker Plate For Wahoo

Are you ready to inject some excitement into your indoor training routine? Look no further than Velocity Rockers' rocker plate for Wahoo Kickr. Say goodbye to static indoor cycling sessions and hello to a more...

Why Velocity Rockers Stand Out: Benefits of Indoor Cycling Plates

With the rise of at-home workouts, more and more people are turning to cycling as a way to stay fit and have fun without leaving the comfort of their living rooms. But hey, if you're...

Why Ride on a Rocker Plate for Indoor Training This Summer?

You may be asking quite skeptically, "Why on earth would someone choose to ride indoors during the Summer months?" Indoor cycling, particularly with a rocker plate, can offer you a multitude of advantages that can help you...

Who Can Benefit From Adding A Cycle Rocker Plate To Their Setup?

Cycling enthusiasts are always on the lookout for innovative ways to enhance their indoor training experience. In the last year, rocker plates for spin bikes have emerged as a popular accessory designed to improve stability,...